Standing Up for Taxpayers

2018-19 Budget Snapshot

Maintaining Fiscal Restraint on Government Spending

- Total spend of $32.7 billion, a 1.7 percent increase over the current year, which is below the rate of inflation.
- The national yearly change in the inflation rate is 2.13 percent. The 2018-19 state budget reflects only a 1.7 percent increase.
- This budget will also put money into the Rainy Day Fund – for the FIRST time since fiscal year 2006-07!
- The 2018-19 budget includes no new taxes and no new fees.

House Republicans are committed to fiscal restraint so that citizens keep more of their hard-earned money.

Conversely, since taking office in 2015, Gov. Tom Wolf has proposed increasing taxes with each of his budget proposals. His first budget proposal would have increased taxes $12.5 billion over the last three years.

Though each Wolf budget proposal has been based on increased taxes, House Republicans pushed back and rejected all of the proposed tax increases.

Fostering a Safe Learning Environment for Pennsylvania Students

This budget creates a new, $60 million initiative to ensure Pennsylvania children are in a safe learning environment. Block grant funding will be available for:
- School resource officers;
- Metal detectors;
- School safety assessments;
- Facility upgrades and more.

Supporting Educational Opportunities at All Levels

- Basic Education Funding increase: up $100 million to $6.095 billion.
- Early Childhood Education Funding increase: up $25 million to $251.5 million.
- Special Education Funding increase: up $15 million to $1.14 billion.
- Sets a Record High Investment of $12.3 billion for PreK-12 education.
- Invests additional $25 million for Educational Improvement Tax Credit.

- PA state-related universities: 3% boost.
- State System of Higher Ed schools: 3.3% boost.
- Community colleges: 3% boost.

- An additional $30 million commitment to help prepare students and workers for in-demand jobs.

Protecting Our Communities and Our Most Vulnerable Citizens

- This budget will allow the Pennsylvania State Police to train three new cadet classes, which will add an additional 285 troopers to protect communities throughout the state.
- There is an increase of $5.5 million for nursing homes rates.
- This budget includes money to take care of those with intellectual disabilities, allowing services for an additional 965 people living with intellectual disabilities.
- This budget includes funds to provide evidence-based home visiting services to 800 families affected by the opioid epidemic.
- Emergency Medical Services agencies throughout Pennsylvania have been struggling to do more with less. The budget provides an increase of $4 million for our EMS agencies.

Supporting Health Advances and Research

- The health line-items that the governor proposed to cut in his February budget proposal are being funded in this budget.
- There is a new Lyme Disease line-item to help combat and treat those affected by this disease.
- Bio-Technology Research, ALS Support Services, and Regional Cancer will see increases in this budget.

Protecting Pennsylvania's Largest Industry - Agriculture

- The budget plan includes a new $3 million line-item to combat the spotted lanternfly, a significant threat to many Pennsylvania ag commodities.
- Penn State Agricultural Research and Extension will get a 3% increase.
- The University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School and the Center for Infectious Disease will receive a 3% increase.

Further Investing in Care for Those Who Have Served

- Veterans Homes in Pennsylvania will receive a $5.7 million increase.
- There is an increase for educational assistance to the National Guard.
- Veterans Outreach Services will receive a 21% increase in funding.

Additional Resources

General Fund Appropriations Bill (as amended)
General Fund Financial Statement
Education Funding By District

Links from March 2018
Video links to 2018 PAHouse Budget hearings
Tracking Run - Governor's Proposal
Financial Statement - Governor's Proposal